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Questionnaire – Online version (Fall 2023)

Note: This is the online version of the questionnaire for participants who would like to fill the form out electronically.

***All answers are strictly confidential, will not be shared with anyone, and are for research purposes only.

E.g., “I managed 55 hives across three sites with ~20 km distance between each site (Delta – 25 hives, Echo – 10 hives, Foxtrot – 20 hives). Delta and Echo are major farming areas. Foxtrot is mostly meadows in a secluded area. All hives are transported to one location for overwintering and are each wrapped with insulation blankets.
E.g., “Hives at Delta used for pollinating hybrid Canola and producing honey; Hives at Echo used for pollinating blueberry and producing honey; Hives at Foxtrot used for producing queens and breeding activities.”
E.g., “All hives at Delta and Echo sites were treated with Oxytet for AFB/EFB prevention in spring/fall; SuperDFM probiotics in syrup spring/fall after oxytet; 1:1 sugar syrup in spring and 2:1 in fall, Ultra Bee High Protein Pollen Substitute Patties x 3 times over summer; Apivar Strips in July/August. Foxtrot hives are maintained strictly organic with no treatment of any kind.”
E.g., “All my bee stocks are Carniolan background but I have been locally breeding them now for 10 years. This is my first year not using fumagillin.”
E.g., “Some hives at Echo (matching AB-0912/AB-0918/AB-0919) displayed mild EFB symptoms in May-June but recovered without any colony loss. Other beekeepers in area experienced EFB as well as Chalkbrood, some with heavy losses.”
E.g., “Blueberry farmer at Echo sprayed several types of pesticides this year but I do not know the names.”

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